Ova stranica namijenjena je svima koji se bave pedagoškom problematikom bilo teorijski bilo praktično. Svi materijali koji se nalaze na ovoj stranici nastajali su postupno kroz moju znanstvenu i nastavnu djelatnost. Drago mi je ako mogu i drugima poslužiti bilo u njihovoj nastavi, istraživanjima ili nekim drugim oblicima pedagoške aktivnosti. Hvala svima koji mi se povremeno javljaju svojim komentarima, idejama i sugestijama.
Stranica je dopunjena i mojim osobnim podacima kao i mojim ostalim aktivnostima vezanim za slikanje i glazbu. Slike su naravno za gledanje, a glazbeni prilozi u obliku nota mogu se koristiti po želji.
This webpage is intended for anyone who may be involved in the pedagogical issues, whether it be theoretically or in practice. All of the materials available on this webpage were created gradually during my scientific and educational work and I would be honored if anyone should find them useful in their teaching, research or other forms of pedagogical activity. Also, I am very grateful to all of whom have occasionally sent me their comments, ideas or suggestions.
The website is supplemented with my personal information as well as with other forms of activities related to painting and music. The paintings are, needless to say, for watching and the musical attachments in the form of notes are free for anyone to use.
Adresa: Dr.sc. Ladislav Bognar, 31000 Osijek, Vukovarska 6, Hrvatska
Telefon: 031 201 868
Mobitel: 098 201 646
E-mail: ladislav.bognar031@gmail.com